// Copyright (C) 2012 by Khoivietech. All rights reserved. /* * AllInOne Banner - Banner Rotator v3.0 * * Copyright 2012, LambertGroup * */ (function (c) { function G(a, b) { c(a.currentImg.attr("data-text-id")).css("display", "block"); var d = c(a.currentImg.attr("data-text-id")).children(), g = 0; currentText_arr = []; d.each(function () { currentText_arr[g] = c(this); var f = currentText_arr[g].attr("data-initial-left"), d = currentText_arr[g].attr("data-initial-top"); b.responsive && (f = parseInt(f / (b.origWidth / b.width), 10), d = parseInt(d / (b.origWidth / b.width), 10)); currentText_arr[g].css({ left: f + "px", top: d + "px", opacity: parseInt(currentText_arr[g].attr("data-fade-start"), 10) / 100 }); var m = currentText_arr[g]; setTimeout(function () { if (b.responsive) { newCss = ""; if (m.css("font-size").lastIndexOf("px") != -1) { fontSize = m.css("font-size").substr(0, m.css("font-size").lastIndexOf("px")); newCss = newCss + ("font-size:" + fontSize / (b.origWidth / b.width) + "px;") } else if (m.css("font-size").lastIndexOf("em") != -1) { fontSize = m.css("font-size").substr(0, m.css("font-size").lastIndexOf("em")); newCss = newCss + ("font-size:" + fontSize / (b.origWidth / b.width) + "em;") } if (m.css("line-height").lastIndexOf("px") != -1) { lineHeight = m.css("line-height").substr(0, m.css("line-height").lastIndexOf("px")); newCss = newCss + ("line-height:" + lineHeight / (b.origWidth / b.width) + "px;") } else if (m.css("line-height").lastIndexOf("em") != -1) { lineHeight = m.css("line-height").substr(0, m.css("line-height").lastIndexOf("em")); newCss = newCss + ("line-height:" + lineHeight / (b.origWidth / b.width) + "em;") } m.wrapInner('
') } var f = m.attr("data-final-left"), d = m.attr("data-final-top"); if (b.responsive) { f = parseInt(f / (b.origWidth / b.width), 10); d = parseInt(d / (b.origWidth / b.width), 10) } var g = 1; a.isVideoPlaying == true && (g = 0); m.animate({ opacity: g, left: f + "px", top: d + "px" }, m.attr("data-duration") * 1E3, function () { a.isVideoPlaying == true && c(a.currentImg.attr("data-text-id")).children().css("opacity", 0) }) }, 1E3 * currentText_arr[g].attr("data-delay")); g++ }) } function H(a, b) { nowx = (new Date).getTime(); !a.mouseOverBanner && (!a.effectIsRunning && b.showCircleTimer) && (a.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, a.canvas.width, a.canvas.height), a.ctx.beginPath(), a.ctx.globalAlpha = b.behindCircleAlpha / 100, a.ctx.arc(b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), a.ctx.lineWidth = b.circleLineWidth + 2, a.ctx.strokeStyle = b.behindCircleColor, a.ctx.stroke(), a.ctx.beginPath(), a.ctx.globalAlpha = b.circleAlpha / 100, a.ctx.arc(b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius, 0, 2 * ((a.timeElapsed + nowx - a.arcInitialTime) / 1E3) / b.autoPlay * Math.PI, !1), a.ctx.lineWidth = b.circleLineWidth, a.ctx.strokeStyle = b.circleColor, a.ctx.stroke()) } function I(a, b, d) { c(".stripe", a).remove(); c(".block", a).remove(); y = x = Math.round(b.width / b.numberOfStripes); for (var g = !0, f = 0; f < b.numberOfStripes; f++) f == b.numberOfStripes - 1 && (y = a.width() - x * (b.numberOfStripes - 1)), !b.responsive || !c.browser.msie || c.browser.msie && 9 <= c.browser.version ? -1 != r.indexOf("ipad") || -1 != r.indexOf("iphone") || -1 != r.indexOf("ipod") || -1 != r.indexOf("webos") ? g = !1 : a.append(c('').css({ opacity: "0", left: x * f + "px", width: y + "px", height: "0px", background: 'url("' + d.current_imgInside.attr("src") + '") ' + -1 * f * x + "px 0%" })) : g = !1, g || (mleft = -1 * x * f, a.append(c('').css({ opacity: "0", left: x * f + "px", width: y + "px", height: "0px" }))); b.responsive && g && (!c.browser.msie || c.browser.msie && 9 <= c.browser.version) && c(".stripe", a).css({ "-webkit-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "-moz-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "-o-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "-ms-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px" }) } function F(a, b, c, g, f) { var h = a.width(), m = a.height(); a.css({ width: "0", height: "0" }); b == g.numberOfRows - 1 && c == g.numberOfColumns - 1 ? setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ opacity: "1.0", width: h, height: m }, 1E3 * g.effectDuration / 3, "", function () { f.trigger("effectComplete") }) }, n) : setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ opacity: "1.0", width: h, height: m }, 1E3 * g.effectDuration / 3) }, n); n += D } function A(a, b, d, g, f, h, m, C) { var p = !0; if (!b.loop && d.current_img_no + a >= g || !b.loop && 0 > d.current_img_no + a) p = !1; if (p) { c(".newFS", h).contents().unwrap(); b.showCircleTimer && (d.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, d.canvas.width, d.canvas.height), d.ctx.beginPath(), d.ctx.globalAlpha = b.behindCircleAlpha / 100, d.ctx.arc(b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), d.ctx.lineWidth = b.circleLineWidth + 2, d.ctx.strokeStyle = b.behindCircleColor, d.ctx.stroke(), d.ctx.beginPath(), d.ctx.globalAlpha = b.circleAlpha / 100, d.ctx.arc(b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius + 2 * b.circleLineWidth, b.circleRadius, 0, 0, !1), d.ctx.lineWidth = b.circleLineWidth, d.ctx.strokeStyle = b.circleColor, d.ctx.stroke()); c(d.currentImg.attr("data-text-id")).css("display", "none"); c(m[d.current_img_no]).removeClass("bottomNavButtonON"); b.randomizeImages && !d.bottomNavClicked ? (a = Math.floor(Math.random() * g), d.current_img_no = d.current_img_no === a ? Math.floor(Math.random() * g) : a) : d.current_img_no = d.current_img_no + a >= g ? 0 : 0 > d.current_img_no + a ? g - 1 : d.current_img_no + a; d.bottomNavClicked = !1; c(m[d.current_img_no]).addClass("bottomNavButtonON"); d.currentImg = c(C[d.current_img_no]); d.current_imgInside = d.currentImg.find("img:first"); d.currentImg.attr("data-transition") ? (f = d.currentImg.attr("data-transition"), "random" == f && (f = E[Math.floor(Math.random() * E.length)])) : f = "random" != b.defaultEffect ? b.defaultEffect : E[Math.floor(Math.random() * E.length)]; d.effectIsRunning = !0; if ("fade" == f || "slideFromLeft" == f || "slideFromRight" == f || "slideFromTop" == f || "slideFromBottom" == f) if (I(h, b, d), g = c(".stripe:first", h), "fade" == f && (g.css({ top: "0px", height: "100%", width: h.width() + "px" }), g.animate({ opacity: "1.0" }, 2E3 * b.effectDuration, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") })), "slideFromLeft" == f && (g.css({ top: "0px", height: "100%", width: "0" }), g.animate({ opacity: "1.0", width: h.width() + "px" }, 1E3 * b.effectDuration, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") })), "slideFromRight" == f && (g.css({ top: "0px", height: "100%", width: "0", left: h.width() + 5 + "px" }), g.animate({ opacity: "1.0", left: "0", width: h.width() + "px" }, 1E3 * b.effectDuration, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") })), "slideFromTop" == f && (g.css({ top: "0px", height: "0", width: h.width() + "px" }), g.animate({ opacity: "1.0", height: h.height() + "px" }, 1E3 * b.effectDuration, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") })), "slideFromBottom" == f) g.css({ top: "0px", height: "0", width: h.width() + "px", top: h.height() + "px" }), g.animate({ opacity: "1.0", top: 0, height: h.height() + "px" }, 1E3 * b.effectDuration, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") }); 0 <= f.indexOf("Stripes") && (I(h, b, d), g = 0 <= f.indexOf("Reverse") ? c(".stripe", h).myReverse() : c(".stripe", h), n = 100, i = 0, g.each(function () { var a = c(this); (f == "topBottomDroppingStripes" || f == "topBottomDroppingReverseStripes") && a.css({ top: "0px" }); (f == "bottomTopDroppingStripes" || f == "bottomTopDroppingReverseStripes") && a.css({ bottom: "0px" }); (f == "leftRightFadingStripes" || f == "leftRightFadingReverseStripes") && a.css({ top: "0px", height: "100%", width: "0" }); f == "asynchronousDroppingStripes" && (i % 2 ? a.css({ top: "0px" }) : a.css({ bottom: "0px" })); if (f == "leftRightFadingStripes" || f == "leftRightFadingReverseStripes") { var e = x; if (f == "leftRightFadingStripes" && i == b.numberOfStripes - 1 || f == "leftRightFadingReverseStripes" && i == 0) e = y; i == b.numberOfStripes - 1 ? setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ width: e + "px", opacity: "1.0" }, b.effectDuration * 800, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") }) }, n) : setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ width: e + "px", opacity: "1.0" }, b.effectDuration * 800) }, n) } else i == b.numberOfStripes - 1 ? setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ height: "100%", opacity: "1.0" }, b.effectDuration * 1E3, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") }) }, n) : setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ height: "100%", opacity: "1.0" }, b.effectDuration * 1E3) }, n); n = n + J; i++ })); if (0 <= f.indexOf("Blocks")) { c(".stripe", h).remove(); c(".block", h).remove(); for (var g = Math.round(b.width / b.numberOfColumns), m = Math.round(b.height / b.numberOfRows), C = g, a = m, l = p = 0, t = !0, w = 0; w < b.numberOfRows; w++) for (var z = 0; z < b.numberOfColumns; z++) p = g * z, l = m * w, C = z == b.numberOfColumns - 1 ? b.width - g * (b.numberOfColumns - 1) : g, a = w == b.numberOfRows - 1 ? b.height - m * (b.numberOfRows - 1) : m, !b.responsive || !c.browser.msie || c.browser.msie && 9 <= c.browser.version ? -1 != r.indexOf("ipad") || -1 != r.indexOf("iphone") || -1 != r.indexOf("ipod") || -1 != r.indexOf("webos") ? t = !1 : h.append(c('').css({ opacity: "0", left: p + "px", top: l + "px", width: C + "px", height: a + "px", background: 'url("' + d.current_imgInside.attr("src") + '") -' + p + "px -" + l + "px" })) : t = !1, t || (mleft = -1 * p, mtop = -1 * l, h.append(c('').css({ opacity: "0", left: p + "px", top: l + "px", width: C + "px", height: a + "px" }))); b.responsive && t && (!c.browser.msie || c.browser.msie && 9 <= c.browser.version) && c(".block", h).css({ "-webkit-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "-moz-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "-o-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "-ms-background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px", "background-size": b.width + "px " + b.height + "px" }); if (0 <= f.indexOf("Reverse")) var q = c(".block", h).myReverse(); else if ("randomBlocks" == f) { for (var d = c(".block", h), s, g = d.length; g; q = parseInt(Math.random() * g, 10), s = d[--g], d[g] = d[q], d[q] = s); q = d } else q = c(".block", h); n = 100; if ("randomBlocks" == f) { i = 0; var e = b.numberOfRows * b.numberOfColumns; q.each(function () { var a = c(this), f = a.width(), d = a.height(); a.css({ width: "0", height: "0" }); i == e - 1 ? setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ opacity: "1.0", width: f, height: d }, b.effectDuration * 1E3 / 3, "", function () { h.trigger("effectComplete") }) }, n) : setTimeout(function () { a.animate({ opacity: "1.0", width: f, height: d }, b.effectDuration * 1E3 / 3) }, n); n = n + D; i++ }) } else { var k = 0, o = 0, u = []; u[k] = []; q.each(function () { u[k][o] = c(this); o++; if (o == b.numberOfColumns) { k++; o = 0; u[k] = [] } }); o = k = 0; n = 100; q = c(u[k][o]); for (F(q, 0, 0, b, h); k < b.numberOfRows - 1 || o < b.numberOfColumns - 1; ) { k < b.numberOfRows - 1 && k++; o < b.numberOfColumns - 1 && o++; i = k; o < k && b.numberOfRows > b.numberOfColumns && (i = k - o); j = 0; for (k < o && b.numberOfRows < b.numberOfColumns && (j = o - k); 0 <= i && j <= o; ) q = c(u[i--][j++]), F(q, i, j, b, h) } n = b.numberOfRows < b.numberOfColumns ? n - (b.numberOfRows - 1) * D : n - (b.numberOfColumns - 1) * D; limit_i = 0; for (limit_j = o - k; limit_i < k && limit_j < o; ) { i = k + 1; for (j = limit_j; i > limit_i && j < o; ) i -= 1, j += 1, q = c(u[i][j]), F(q, i, j, b, h); limit_i++; limit_j++ } } } } } var E = "fade slideFromLeft slideFromRight slideFromTop slideFromBottom topBottomDroppingStripes topBottomDroppingReverseStripes bottomTopDroppingStripes bottomTopDroppingReverseStripes asynchronousDroppingStripes leftRightFadingStripes leftRightFadingReverseStripes topBottomDiagonalBlocks topBottomDiagonalReverseBlocks randomBlocks".split(" "), x, y, n = 100, J = 50, D = 25, B = !1, r = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); c.fn.allinone_bannerRotator = function (a) { a = c.extend({}, c.fn.allinone_bannerRotator.defaults, a); return this.each(function () { var b = c(this); responsiveWidth = b.parent().width(); responsiveHeight = b.parent().height(); a.responsiveRelativeToBrowser && (responsiveWidth = c(window).width(), responsiveHeight = c(window).height()); a.origWidth = a.width; a.width100Proc && (a.width = responsiveWidth); a.origHeight = a.height; a.height100Proc && (a.height = responsiveHeight); if (a.responsive && (a.origWidth != responsiveWidth || a.width100Proc)) a.width = a.origWidth > responsiveWidth || a.width100Proc ? responsiveWidth : a.origWidth, a.height100Proc || (a.height = a.width / (a.origWidth / a.origHeight)); a.width = parseInt(a.width, 10); a.height = parseInt(a.height, 10); a.enableTouchScreen && a.responsive && (a.width -= 1); b.css("display", "block"); var d = c("").addClass("allinone_bannerRotator").addClass(a.skin), g = c(' '); b.wrap(d); b.after(g); var f = b.parent(".allinone_bannerRotator"), h = c(".bannerControls", f), d = c(''), g = c(''), m = c(''); b.after(d); b.after(g); b.after(m); a.showAllControllers || h.css("display", "none"); var n = c(".leftNav", f), p = c(".rightNav", f); n.css("display", "none"); p.css("display", "none"); a.showNavArrows && a.showOnInitNavArrows && (n.css("display", "block"), p.css("display", "block")); var l = c(".bottomNav", f), t = c(".bottomNavLeft", f), w = c(".bottomNavRight", f), z; l.css("display", "block"); t.css("display", "block"); w.css("display", "block"); l.css("top", a.height + "px"); l.css({ bottom: a.thumbsWrapperMarginBottom + "px", top: "auto" }); t.css({ bottom: a.thumbsWrapperMarginBottom + "px", top: "auto" }); w.css({ bottom: a.thumbsWrapperMarginBottom + "px", top: "auto" }); a.showBottomNav || (l.css("display", "none"), t.css("display", "none"), w.css("display", "none")); a.showOnInitBottomNav || (l.css("left", "-5000px"), t.css("left", "-5000px"), w.css("left", "-5000px")); var q = a.defaultEffect, s = 0, e = { current_img_no: 0, currentImg: 0, current_imgInside: "", bottomNavClicked: !1, effectIsRunning: !1, mouseOverBanner: !1, rightVal: 0, isAttractiveResp: !1, timeoutID: "", intervalID: "", arcInitialTime: (new Date).getTime(), timeElapsed: 0, windowWidth: 0, canvas: "", ctx: "", bannerRatio: a.origWidth / a.origHeight }; e.canvas = c(".mycanvas", f)[0]; e.canvas.width = 2 * a.circleRadius + 4 * a.circleLineWidth; e.canvas.height = 2 * a.circleRadius + 4 * a.circleLineWidth; a.showCircleTimer && (c.browser.msie && 9 > parseInt(c.browser.version, 10) && (e.canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(e.canvas), !a.showCircleTimerIE8IE7 && a.showCircleTimer && (a.showCircleTimer = !1)), e.ctx = e.canvas.getContext("2d")); f.width(a.width); f.height(a.height); h.css("margin-top", parseInt((a.height - n.height()) / 2, 10) + "px"); var k = b.find("ul:first").children(), o, u = 0, x = 0; k.each(function () { e.currentImg = c(this); if (!e.currentImg.is("li")) e.currentImg = e.currentImg.find("li:first"); if (e.currentImg.is("li")) { e.currentImg.css("display", "none"); s++; o = c(''); l.append(o); u = u + (parseInt(o.css("padding-left").substring(0, o.css("padding-left").length - 2), 10) + o.width()); x = parseInt((l.height() - parseInt(o.css("height").substring(0, o.css("height").length - 2))) / 2, 10); o.css("margin-top", x + "px") } }); l.width(u); a.showOnInitBottomNav && (l.css("left", parseInt((f.width() - u) / 2, 10) + "px"), t.css("left", parseInt(l.css("left").substring(0, l.css("left").length - 2), 10) - t.width() + "px"), w.css("left", parseInt(l.css("left").substring(0, l.css("left").length - 2), 10) + l.width() + parseInt(o.css("padding-left").substring(0, o.css("padding-left").length - 2), 10) + "px")); e.current_img_no = a.firstImg; a.firstImg > s && (e.current_img_no = s); 0 > a.firstImg && (e.current_img_no = 0); a.randomizeImages && (e.current_img_no = Math.floor(Math.random() * s)); e.currentImg = c(k[e.current_img_no]); e.current_imgInside = e.currentImg.find("img:first"); -1 != r.indexOf("ipad") || -1 != r.indexOf("iphone") || -1 != r.indexOf("ipod") || -1 != r.indexOf("webos") || c.browser.msie && 7 >= c.browser.version ? f.append('') : (f.css("background", 'url("' + e.current_imgInside.attr("src") + '") no-repeat'), a.responsive && (!c.browser.msie || c.browser.msie && 9 <= c.browser.version ? f.css({ "-webkit-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "-moz-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "-o-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "-ms-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px" }) : 8 == c.browser.version && f.css({ filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + e.current_imgInside.attr("src") + "',sizingMethod='scale')" }))); a.enableTouchScreen && (d = Math.floor(1E5 * Math.random()), f.wrap(''), c("#bannerRotatorParent_" + d).width(a.width + 1), c("#bannerRotatorParent_" + d).height(a.height), f.css({ cursor: "url(" + a.absUrl + "skins/hand.cur),url(" + a.absUrl + "skins/hand.cur),move", left: "0px", position: "absolute" }), a.rightVal = parseInt(p.css("right").substring(0, p.css("right").length - 2), 10), "attractive" == a.skin && a.width100Proc && p.css("right", a.rightVal - 1 + "px"), f.mousedown(function () { if (a.rightVal < 0 && !B) { p.css({ visibility: "hidden", right: "0" }); (a.skin == "attractive" && a.width100Proc || a.skin == "attractive" && a.isAttractiveResp) && p.css("right", a.rightVal - 1 + "px"); n.css("visibility", "hidden") } }), f.mouseup(function () { B = false; if (a.rightVal < 0) { p.css({ right: a.rightVal + "px", visibility: "visible" }); (a.skin == "attractive" && a.width100Proc || a.skin == "attractive" && a.isAttractiveResp) && p.css("right", a.rightVal - 1 + "px"); n.css("visibility", "visible") } }), f.draggable({ axis: "x", containment: "parent", start: function () { origLeft = c(this).css("left") }, stop: function () { if (!e.effectIsRunning) { finalLeft = c(this).css("left"); direction = 1; origLeft < finalLeft && (direction = -1); A(direction, a, e, s, q, f, v, k) } if (a.rightVal < 0) { p.css({ right: a.rightVal + "px", visibility: "visible" }); (a.skin == "attractive" && a.width100Proc || a.skin == "attractive" && a.isAttractiveResp) && p.css("right", a.rightVal - 1 + "px"); n.css("visibility", "visible") } c(this).css("left", "0px") } })); G(e, a, b, h); f.bind("effectComplete", function () { e.effectIsRunning = false; if (r.indexOf("ipad") != -1 || r.indexOf("iphone") != -1 || r.indexOf("ipod") != -1 || r.indexOf("webos") != -1 || c.browser.msie && c.browser.version <= 7) { c("#curBgImgIos", f).attr("src", e.current_imgInside.attr("src")); c("#curBgImgIos", f).width(a.width); c("#curBgImgIos", f).height(a.height) } else { f.css("background", 'url("' + e.current_imgInside.attr("src") + '") no-repeat'); a.responsive && (!c.browser.msie || c.browser.msie && c.browser.version >= 9 ? f.css({ "-webkit-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "-moz-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "-o-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "-ms-background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px", "background-size": a.width + "px " + a.height + "px" }) : c.browser.version == 8 && f.css({ filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + e.current_imgInside.attr("src") + "',sizingMethod='scale')" })) } e.arcInitialTime = (new Date).getTime(); e.timeElapsed = 0; if (a.showCircleTimer) { clearInterval(e.intervalID); e.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, e.canvas.width, e.canvas.height); e.ctx.beginPath(); e.ctx.globalAlpha = a.behindCircleAlpha / 100; e.ctx.arc(a.circleRadius + 2 * a.circleLineWidth, a.circleRadius + 2 * a.circleLineWidth, a.circleRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); e.ctx.lineWidth = a.circleLineWidth + 2; e.ctx.strokeStyle = a.behindCircleColor; e.ctx.stroke(); e.ctx.beginPath(); e.ctx.globalAlpha = a.circleAlpha / 100; e.ctx.arc(a.circleRadius + 2 * a.circleLineWidth, a.circleRadius + 2 * a.circleLineWidth, a.circleRadius, 0, 0, false); e.ctx.lineWidth = a.circleLineWidth; e.ctx.strokeStyle = a.circleColor; e.ctx.stroke(); e.intervalID = setInterval(function () { H(e, a) }, 125) } G(e, a, b, h); if (a.autoPlay > 0 && s > 1 && !e.mouseOverBanner) { clearTimeout(e.timeoutID); e.timeoutID = setTimeout(function () { A(1, a, e, s, q, f, v, k) }, a.autoPlay * 1E3) } }); f.mouseenter(function () { e.mouseOverBanner = true; clearTimeout(e.timeoutID); nowx = (new Date).getTime(); e.timeElapsed = e.timeElapsed + (nowx - e.arcInitialTime); if (a.autoHideNavArrows && a.showNavArrows) { n.css("display", "block"); p.css("display", "block") } if (a.autoHideBottomNav && a.showBottomNav) { l.css({ display: "block", left: parseInt((f.width() - u) / 2, 10) + "px" }); t.css({ display: "block", left: parseInt(l.css("left").substring(0, l.css("left").length - 2), 10) - t.width() + "px" }); w.css({ display: "block", left: parseInt(l.css("left").substring(0, l.css("left").length - 2), 10) + l.width() + parseInt(o.css("padding-left").substring(0, o.css("padding-left").length - 2), 10) + "px" }) } }); f.mouseleave(function () { e.mouseOverBanner = false; nowx = (new Date).getTime(); if (a.autoHideNavArrows && a.showNavArrows) { n.css("display", "none"); p.css("display", "none") } if (a.autoHideBottomNav && a.showBottomNav) { l.css("display", "none"); t.css("display", "none"); w.css("display", "none") } if (a.autoPlay > 0 && s > 1) { clearTimeout(e.timeoutID); e.arcInitialTime = (new Date).getTime(); var b = parseInt(a.autoPlay * 1E3 - (e.timeElapsed + nowx - e.arcInitialTime), 10); e.timeoutID = setTimeout(function () { A(1, a, e, s, q, f, v, k) }, b) } }); f.click(function () { if (c(k[e.current_img_no]).attr("data-link") != void 0 && !e.effectIsRunning && c(k[e.current_img_no]).attr("data-link") != "") { var b = a.target; c(k[e.current_img_no]).attr("data-target") != void 0 && c(k[e.current_img_no]).attr("data-target") != "" && (b = c(k[e.current_img_no]).attr("data-target")); b == "_blank" ? window.open(c(k[e.current_img_no]).attr("data-link")) : window.location = c(k[e.current_img_no]).attr("data-link") } }); n.mousedown(function () { B = true; if (!e.effectIsRunning) { clearTimeout(e.timeoutID); A(-1, a, e, s, q, f, v, k) } }); n.mouseup(function () { B = false }); p.mousedown(function () { B = true; if (!e.effectIsRunning) { clearTimeout(e.timeoutID); A(1, a, e, s, q, f, v, k) } }); p.mouseup(function () { B = false }); var y = !1; c(window).resize(function () { doResizeNow = true; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") != -1) { if (a.windowOrientationScreenSize0 == 0 && window.orientation == 0) a.windowOrientationScreenSize0 = c(window).width(); if (a.windowOrientationScreenSize90 == 0 && window.orientation == 90) a.windowOrientationScreenSize90 = c(window).height(); if (a.windowOrientationScreenSize_90 == 0 && window.orientation == -90) a.windowOrientationScreenSize_90 = c(window).height(); a.windowOrientationScreenSize0 && (window.orientation == 0 && c(window).width() > a.windowOrientationScreenSize0) && (doResizeNow = false); a.windowOrientationScreenSize90 && (window.orientation == 90 && c(window).height() > a.windowOrientationScreenSize90) && (doResizeNow = false); a.windowOrientationScreenSize_90 && (window.orientation == -90 && c(window).height() > a.windowOrientationScreenSize_90) && (doResizeNow = false); if (e.windowWidth == 0) { doResizeNow = false; e.windowWidth = c(window).width() } } c.browser.msie && (parseInt(c.browser.version, 10) == 9 && e.windowWidth == 0) && (doResizeNow = false); if (e.windowWidth == c(window).width()) { doResizeNow = false; if (a.windowCurOrientation != window.orientation && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") != -1) { a.windowCurOrientation = window.orientation; doResizeNow = true } } else e.windowWidth = c(window).width(); if (a.responsive && doResizeNow) { y !== false && clearTimeout(y); y = setTimeout(function () { var d = a, g = s, m = v, u = o, x = c("body").css("overflow"); c("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); if (d.enableTouchScreen) { responsiveWidth = b.parent().parent().parent().width(); responsiveHeight = b.parent().parent().parent().height() } else { responsiveWidth = b.parent().parent().width(); responsiveHeight = b.parent().parent().height() } if (d.responsiveRelativeToBrowser) { responsiveWidth = c(window).width(); responsiveHeight = c(window).height() } if (d.width100Proc) d.width = responsiveWidth; if (d.height100Proc) d.height = responsiveHeight; if (d.skin == "attractive") { d.isAttractiveResp = false; p.css("right", d.rightVal + "px") } if (d.origWidth != responsiveWidth || d.width100Proc) { if (d.origWidth > responsiveWidth || d.width100Proc) { d.width = responsiveWidth; d.isAttractiveResp = true; d.skin == "attractive" && p.css("right", d.rightVal - 1 + "px") } else if (!d.width100Proc) d.width = d.origWidth; if (!d.height100Proc) d.height = d.width / e.bannerRatio; d.width = parseInt(d.width, 10); d.height = parseInt(d.height, 10); if (d.enableTouchScreen && d.responsive) d.width = d.width - 1; f.width(d.width); f.height(d.height); if (r.indexOf("ipad") != -1 || r.indexOf("iphone") != -1 || r.indexOf("ipod") != -1 || r.indexOf("webos") != -1 || c.browser.msie && c.browser.version <= 7) { c("#curBgImgIos", f).attr("src", e.current_imgInside.attr("src")); c("#curBgImgIos", f).width(d.width); c("#curBgImgIos", f).height(d.height) } else !c.browser.msie || c.browser.msie && c.browser.version >= 9 ? f.css({ "-webkit-background-size": d.width + "px " + d.height + "px", "-moz-background-size": d.width + "px " + d.height + "px", "-o-background-size": d.width + "px " + d.height + "px", "-ms-background-size": d.width + "px " + d.height + "px", "background-size": d.width + "px " + d.height + "px" }) : c.browser.version == 8 && f.css({ filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + e.current_imgInside.attr("src") + "',sizingMethod='scale')" }); if (d.enableTouchScreen) { f.parent().width(d.width + 1); f.parent().height(d.height) } h.css("margin-top", parseInt((d.height - n.height()) / 2, 10) + "px"); for (i = 0; i < g; i++) c(c(k[i]).attr("data-text-id")).css("width", b.width() + "px"); l.css("left", parseInt((f.width() - l.width()) / 2, 10) + "px"); t.css("left", parseInt(l.css("left").substring(0, l.css("left").length - 2), 10) - t.width() + "px"); w.css("left", parseInt(l.css("left").substring(0, l.css("left").length - 2), 10) + l.width() + parseInt(u.css("padding-left").substring(0, u.css("padding-left").length - 2), 10) + "px"); clearTimeout(e.timeoutID); A(1, d, e, g, q, f, m, k) } c("body").css("overflow", x) }, 300) } }); var v = c(".bottomNavButtonOFF", f); v.mousedown(function () { B = true; if (!e.effectIsRunning) { var b = c(this).attr("rel"); c(v[e.current_img_no]).removeClass("bottomNavButtonON"); e.bottomNavClicked = true; e.current_img_no = b - 1; A(1, a, e, s, q, f, v, k) } }); v.mouseup(function () { B = false }); v.mouseenter(function () { var b = c(this), d = b.attr("rel"); if (a.showPreviewThumbs) { z = c(''); b.append(z); d = c(k[d]).attr("data-bottom-thumb"); z.html('') } b.addClass("bottomNavButtonON") }); v.mouseleave(function () { var b = c(this), d = b.attr("rel"); a.showPreviewThumbs && z.remove(); e.current_img_no != d && b.removeClass("bottomNavButtonON") }); c(v[e.current_img_no]).addClass("bottomNavButtonON"); 0 < a.autoPlay && 1 < s && (a.showCircleTimer && (e.intervalID = setInterval(function () { H(e, a) }, 125)), e.timeoutID = setTimeout(function () { A(1, a, e, s, q, f, v, k) }, 1E3 * a.autoPlay)) }) }; c.fn.myReverse = [].reverse; c.fn.allinone_bannerRotator.defaults = { skin: "classic", width: 960, height: 384, width100Proc: !1, height100Proc: !1, randomizeImages: !1, firstImg: 0, numberOfStripes: 20, numberOfRows: 5, numberOfColumns: 10, defaultEffect: "random", effectDuration: 0.5, autoPlay: 4, loop: !0, target: "_blank", showAllControllers: !0, showNavArrows: !0, showOnInitNavArrows: !0, autoHideNavArrows: !0, showBottomNav: !0, showOnInitBottomNav: !0, autoHideBottomNav: !0, showPreviewThumbs: !0, enableTouchScreen: !0, absUrl: "", showCircleTimer: !0, showCircleTimerIE8IE7: !1, circleRadius: 10, circleLineWidth: 4, circleColor: "#FF0000", circleAlpha: 100, behindCircleColor: "#000000", behindCircleAlpha: 50, responsive: !1, responsiveRelativeToBrowser: !0, origWidth: 0, origHeight: 0, thumbsWrapperMarginBottom: 0, windowOrientationScreenSize0: 0, windowOrientationScreenSize90: 0, windowOrientationScreenSize_90: 0, windowCurOrientation: 0} })(jQuery); /*! * jQuery blockUI plugin * Version 2.38 (29-MAR-2011) * @requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later * * Examples at: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/ * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 M. Alsup * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Thanks to Amir-Hossein Sobhi for some excellent contributions! */ ;(function($) { if (/1\.(0|1|2)\.(0|1|2)/.test($.fn.jquery) || /^1.1/.test($.fn.jquery)) { alert('blockUI requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later! You are using v' + $.fn.jquery); return; } $.fn._fadeIn = $.fn.fadeIn; var noOp = function() {}; // this bit is to ensure we don't call setExpression when we shouldn't (with extra muscle to handle // retarded userAgent strings on Vista) var mode = document.documentMode || 0; var setExpr = $.browser.msie && (($.browser.version < 8 && !mode) || mode < 8); var ie6 = $.browser.msie && /MSIE 6.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !mode; // global $ methods for blocking/unblocking the entire page $.blockUI = function(opts) { install(window, opts); }; $.unblockUI = function(opts) { remove(window, opts); }; // convenience method for quick growl-like notifications (http://www.google.com/search?q=growl) $.growlUI = function(title, message, timeout, onClose) { var $m = $(''); if (title) $m.append('